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Why Choose an MBA With an Emphasis in Accounting?

Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduates signify credibility and expertise to potential employers, which can translate to higher earning potential and expanded career opportunities for graduates from these programs. However, students can take their education even further by selecting an emphasis within an MBA program.

One example is the online MBA with an emphasis in Accounting program through the University of West Florida (UWF). The program’s accounting emphasis gives students a leg up by preparing them for in-demand roles in business accounting. The program also lays a foundation for passing the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam, though it is important to note that requirements vary from state to state.

What Is an MBA in Accounting?

An MBA is a graduate degree that teaches skills and theories useful in a business or investment context. Those who complete MBA degrees are equipped for work in business management roles. While some MBA programs cover information applicable to many industries, others are more specific to the industry or role. These specific degrees may cover global business, financial industries, marketing, accounting or other areas of expertise. According to Indeed, an MBA in accounting offers a breadth of general business knowledge and an additional focus on accounting skills and best practices.

Additionally, a general MBA degree gives participants the chance to work through real-world scenarios to improve problem-solving skills. It prepares future managers and leaders for working within teams by focusing on team-building and group consensus-building strategies.

In the case of UWF’s online MBA in Accounting program, students gain a thorough understanding of accounting control structures and information systems. They learn how financial accounting affects the running of commercial businesses and governmental and nonprofit institutions. The program also covers data analytics in accounting, federal income taxation, estate and gift taxation, and the preparation needed to sit the CPA Exam.

The program’s online format offers flexibility and convenience that other programs do not. UWF’s program prepares graduates with essential business and accounting skills without compromising collaboration and hands-on experience. The program’s accelerated format allows students to complete their degree in as few as 16 months, depending on course load and availability.

What Can You Do With an MBA in Accounting?

It is also worth noting that an MBA differs from a CPA certification, according to Indeed. The latter qualifies the holder as a CPA, while an MBA covers more than financial business and accounting. An MBA can help graduates meet academic requirements to take the CPA Exam and achieve the best of both worlds. The UWF online MBA in Accounting program is an ideal way to prepare for a business career and CPA certification.

Indeed also notes that MBA graduates have a wide range of job opportunities, such as director of operations, finance manager, regional director, chief executive officer and chief financial officer. MBA graduates with specialized accounting acumen are especially prepared for roles focused on finances, taxes and budgeting.

The Perks of an MBA Degree

CPAs may concentrate on a particular type of accounting practice, which may make them more suitable for working with individuals, externally as consultants to businesses or internally within a company structure. One of the reasons such a certification is desirable is the variety of roles available to CPAs.

Salary expectations are another factor in choosing to get an MBA rather than only a CPA certification. According to Investopedia, employers compensate MBA holders at a much higher rate than undergraduate business degree holders. A new graduate from an MBA program may earn around $77,000, with the average yearly salary being $119,000.

Forbes’ article titled Accounting: The Key To Your Business’s Success notes that “accounting is undoubtedly one of the most crucial components of running a successful business.” Given this, it is clear that smart business leaders should be looking for quality collaborators with accounting skills.

Understanding the needs and functions of a business in addition to high-demand accounting expertise prepares professionals for the demands of today’s job market. UWF’s online MBA in Accounting program equips graduates with the necessary skills in both areas.

Learn more about UWF’s online MBA with an emphasis in Accounting program.

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